Carper Kart

West Delaware staff join the Esports Mario Kart season


Adrian Swenka

Teacher Christian Carper plays time trials in Mario Kart at a team practice.

Adrian Swenka, Staff

On March 22, the first Esports staff competition will begin with the staff competing to see who is the fastest driver in Mario Kart.

About six teachers plan to participate, with one of them being teacher Jason Guyer. 

“It’s a fun idea because in other activities the staff doesn’t get to compete with the kids,” Guyer said.

The staff members will compete in the computer lab with the student team on Tuesdays.

Christian Carper, Esports coach, helped plan the staff competition.

“It’s a great way to highlight the Esports team,” Carper said. “It also shows what kind of school we are throughout the state.”