Running Men

Runners Complete the 4/4/48 Running Challenge


Evan Woods (11), Luke Farmer (11), Ryan Phillips (12), & Daniel Woods (12)

Justin Grawe, Contents Editor

Running 48 miles in 48 hours is just a challenge to overcome for Daniel Woods (12), Ryan Phillips (12), Evan Woods (11), and Luke Farmer (11).

Searching for a new workout, Farmer took to the internet. This is when the boys accidentally discovered the 4/4/48.

David Goggins, a Navy SEAL, created this workout. It entails running four miles every four hours for 48 hours. By the end of the 48 hours, the participants have run two marathons in two days.

Before every run, the boys mapped out their course around town. “We had different routes, but they were all down the same streets,” said Phillips. “We never ran the exact same route twice.” 

Giving up was never really an option.

— Luke Farmer

During each of the runs, the runners stayed motivated. “There wasn’t a time where I would say I wanted to give up,” said Farmer. “But there were definitely times where it was really tough. Giving up was never really an option.”

One of the hardest parts was getting up in the middle of the night to run. Phillips always woke everyone else up when the alarm rang. 

“We slept like twice but not very much,” said Phillips. “Two hours of sleep at most.”

We slept like twice but not very much. Two hours of sleep at most.

— Ryan Phillips

After completing their goal, the families of the boys celebrated with a barbeque.

The four also sat out of cross country practice due to their efforts. “We got out of two practices,” said Farmer. The boys’ cross country coach, Dale Meyer, didn’t force the boys to run in the next meet. “But we all ended up running it anyway,” said Farmer.

Overall, the group enjoyed their experience. “I would recommend doing it, but I’m not doing it again,” said Phillips.