Noises Off, Applause On

Cast: Front Row: Noah Crumpton (12); Middle Row: Amber Cook (11), Tristan Voelker (12), Maxwell Weber (12), Grace Reiss (11), Holden Smith (12); Back Row: Laiken Blommers (9), Casey Weber (9), Sheeley McMahon (9), Greta Hoehndorf (10), Emma Dunkel (10), Melanie Loughren (9), Matthew Mensen (9), Parker Ostrander (11), Taylor Hammer (9), Ethan Opitz (11), Cole Turnis (11), Madalynn Burke (12), Laia Lopez Rigol (11), Kennedy Niles (11), Paris Schaul (12), Justin Miester (12), Olivia Neuzil (11).

Mercedes Riley, Staff

Apr. 13, 14, and 15 students performed the play, “The Director’s Dilemma”, and also the play called “Noises Off!” With every performance, the students entertained the audience with their amazing acting skills.