Productive FBLA Conference
Before the FBLA Leadership Conference, Susie Jones rehearses her presentation. “I can’t wait to meet other people at the conference,” Jones said. “I made a great pen pal last year!”
April 24, 2017
At the FBLA State Leadership Conference held April 6-8, 33 of 49 FBLA members received awards in 29 events. The West Delaware FBLA earned sixth place in the Lloyd V. Douglas Chapter of the Year award, which is given to the chapter with the most points.
“The officer team was well organized,” FBLA adviser Jodie Bramel said. “This led to a successful and productive year.”
Alex Bishop (12), Hailey Hilby (10), Nolan Monaghan (11), Kendra Offerman (11), Andrea Salow (11), Aleah Vaske (11), and Hannah Wenger (10) will attend the National Leadership Conference in Anaheim, California, June 29-July 2.
“I am super excited to go to California,” Salow said. “People who have gone in the past said it’s a great experience.”