Sixteen girls qualify for state track. Front Row: Norah Peyton, Natalie Mensen, Addison Schulte, Brooklyn Ante, Kirstyn Kolbet, Abigail O'Rear, Brynn Kartman; Back Row: Coach Doug Engel, Lauren LeClere, Josie McMahon, Avery Schmitz, Charly Lynch, Kennedy Kolbet, Kate Loecke, Erin Mensen, Anna O'Rear, Addison Huffman, Assistant Coach Keri Schulte, and Assistant Coach Hailey Hellmann.
Sprinting For Victory
16 girls in track and field qualify for state.
Lili Shappell, Staff
May 16, 2024
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About the Contributors

Lili Shappell, Staff
Hello! My name is Lili Shappell and I am a senior at West Delaware High School. This is my second year in Journalism. I am a captain in group and individual speech this year. Along with being in speech, I work at the Good Neighbor Society. Next year, I am attending a community college to complete my gen eds then I will be going to Indiana University to complete my Nursing degree. I am so excited to be back in Journalism this year!

Andrea Kann, Staff
Hi! My name is Andrea Kann, I am a senior at West Delaware High School. I have been involved in FFA, 4-H, Speech, Student Council, and Prom Committee. I enjoy showing and raising swine for the Delaware County Fair. I have been showing for over 8 years through my 4-H group, the Buffalo Belles and Boys, located in Ryan. I have been the secretary, historian, photographer, treasurer, and currently, I'm the Vice President of my group.

Keevan Hauschild, Staff
Hello everyone! I’m Keevan Hauschild and I am a senior here at West Delaware. This is my third year of journalism. Outside of yearbook, I am currently involved in baseball, NHS, Speech, Play, Student Council, and a part of the West Delaware Students for Desired Change group. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my friends, lifting, listening to music, attending sporting events, playing golf, and taking pictures. I’ve been running a photography page, khausproductions on Instagram and K-Haus Photography on Facebook. Both of these pages have grown an insane amount throughout the last two years. After this year, I’m heading to the University of Iowa where I am majoring in Journalism/Mass Communications, Sports Media, and Marketing with my end goal of working at ESPN one day.