West Delaware to Receive Naloxone

photo via Matthew Rakola under the Creative Commons license.
West Delaware schools to receive Narcan, formally known as Naloxone.
January 11, 2023
Recently, West Delaware and surrounding schools have approved having the opioid overdose drug Narcan, formally known as Naloxone, on hand.
Provided by the Iowa Department of Health of Human Services (HHS), Narcan works within minutes. It can be administered when needed every two to three minutes until the person starts breathing or wakes up.
Superintendent Dr. Kristen Rickey said schools follow certain steps to receive the medication.
“First, we have to have a board policy that states we can have a stock prescription medication supply,” Rickey said.
Policies need two readings to become approved. In November, the first reading took place, and at the December board meeting, the policy was approved and became official.
Within this policy, only trained staff members are to administer the medication. Rickey said the school is undecided on who will be trained, but they are leaning toward the school nurse and health associates.
Although Rickey doesn’t believe the school has ever needed it, the nasal spray may help in an emergency.
“All it takes is one emergency and that is a high enough need,” Rickey said. “If you need it, you have to be ready.”