Veterans Day Assembly
November 29, 2022
Students gathered in Hansen Auditorium on Nov. 11 to honor and recognize current and fallen US soldiers.
Senior Lydia Heims led the assembly. Teacher Cole Duncalf chose Heims because of her experience in speech and her willingness to run the assembly.
“I enjoyed being able to speak on behalf of our school and introduce the veterans,” Heims said.

The assembly started with the band playing, and the veterans from the American Legion 45 preparing the stage. Everyone in the auditorium stood as Kamira Zehr (12), Liz Sleper (11) and Grant Kramer (12) sang the national anthem followed by Heims leading the “Pledge of Allegiance.”
American Legion Leader Dawn Runde spoke about the importance of respecting and honoring veterans. Runde then read a poem called “The Missing Man Table” while a veteran set the table for those veterans who can’t come home.