FFA in Motion
West Delaware FFA members pose at the District Contest at Decorah. Front Row: Ashleigh Hartman, Maleah Demmer, Chloe Peyton, and Taylor Domeyer; Row 2: Andrea Kann, Avery Rausch, Kennedy Kolbet, Kyria Loecke, Claire Peyton, and Myka Brooks; Back Row: Bane Long, Andrew Ries, Blake Deutmeyer, Cody Monaghan, and Jadyn Peyton.
April 7, 2022
The West Delaware FFA chapter has been in full motion the past couple of weeks.
On Saturday, March 12, the chapter sent 15 students to the district convention. These members competed in the Greenhand quiz, the Chapter quiz, or the Farm Business Management quiz.
Five students took the Greenhand quiz, which tests first-year individuals on the basic information of FFA such as the history, facts, structure, and leadership. Myka Brooks (9) earned a gold rating in this category and is moving on to state along with Maleah Demmer (9) who earned silver. They were the top two individuals from the West Delaware chapter. The other competitors were Kennedy Kolbet (silver), Andrea Kann (silver), and Avery Rausch (bronze.)
The Chapter Quiz is a test of the individual’s understanding of FFA, agriculture education, parliamentary procedure, and current events in the agriculture industry. West Delaware sent six sophomore competitors to complete this test: Bane Long (silver), Ashleigh Hartman (bronze), Chloe Peyton (silver), Claire Peyton (bronze), Taylor Domeyer (bronze), and Kyria Loecke (bronze).
West Delaware also sent a team of four individuals to districts to compete in Farm Business Management. This event consists of one exam that is split up into two portions, individual and team. Each individual portion is split up into three sections where the member needs to apply, analyze, and evaluate agricultural business management information, economic principles, and business management decisions. The West Delaware Farm Business Management team is made up of four seniors: Blake Deutmeyer, Cody Monaghan, Jadyn Peyton, and Andrew Ries. They received second place overall, while individually Monaghan placed first and Peyton placed fourth. The team will also compete at the State Convention.
Seventeen West Delaware FFA members will attend the State Convention on April 10-12. Students will compete in Farm Business Management, Chapter Display, Poultry Evaluation, Ag Biotechnology, and Greenhand Test. The chapter will also send two delegates to vote on proposed Iowa FFA Constitution changes and the new 2022-2023 State Officer team.
President Cody Monaghan is excited to attend the State Convention. “I can’t wait to see how everyone does in their CDE (Career Development Event)!” Monaghan said.