Students Adjust to the Fuel Frenzy

How students are managing the rising fuel costs

Carlee Smith

Junior Faith Rich prepares to pay for gas at the north-end Caseys in Manchester.

Carlee Smith, Staff

According to CNBC, President Joe Biden announced on March 8 that a ban on Russian oil and gas is taking place in response to Vladimir Putin’s current invasion of Ukraine.

The current ban has taken a drastic toll on the United States’ fuel prices within the past two weeks, not only on a state level but on a rural one as well.

In a recent survey, 53.8 percent of West Delaware High School students reported that they pay for their own fuel.

Senior Chevy pickup driver Blake Deutmeyer is one of the 53.8 percent.

“Before the rising fuel costs, it cost me about $175 a month for gas,” Deutmeyer said. “Now it’s well over $250.”

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On average, students’ fuel costs have risen by $17.20. This factor is affecting how student drivers save and spend their money.

“I’ve been trying to drive less and only when I need to,” Deutmeyer said. “I’ve also been trying to pick up more hours at jobs to make a little more money.”

Owner of a 2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo, junior Logan Africa says he’s been putting money aside, specifically for gas.

“I’ve been working more hours for money,” Africa said. “I save the leftover money for nights when I go out with my friends.” 

Besides the majority of gas-fueled cars, West Delaware students also drive electric cars.

Junior Alexus Riley drives a Chevy Volt, a hybrid car, which allows for electrical charging to replenish the car battery.

“I charge it every night just so it’s full in case of emergencies,” Riley said. “Basically, it’s the same as a regular car. You just get more miles to the gallon.”

Riley also pays for her own gas.

“Before prices went up, I probably paid $25 to $28 for a full tank. Now, it’s more like $35 to $40.”

Up roughly $0.60 from a month ago, the state average is currently $3.90 a gallon.

Early graduate and current senior Aleah Winkowitsch commutes daily from her home in Manchester to attend college courses at Hawkeye Community College in Waterloo.

“Sometimes, I wake up and dread driving all the way to Waterloo, especially after I put in a full tank,” Winkowitsch said. “Not only do I drive there, but I have to drive back too. It adds up.”