Retiring to New Adventures

Gavin Drees

Teacher Joan Salow is retiring at the end of the 2021 school year after 31 years.

Jenna Philipp, Staff

After May of 2021, students will no longer hear the laughter coming from room 207.

Teacher Joan Salow is retiring after 31 years at West Delaware. 

Salow worked as an aid for four years, an elementary p.e. teacher for 12 years, and a high school science teacher for 15 years. In that time, she served on the building leadership committee and as co-president of WDEA (West Delaware Education Association) and a lead learner. She was also an assistant volleyball coach for 16 years.

At Lambert Elementary, she worked with kindergarten students and loved to “see their brains work things out in movement.” She was also involved with Special Olympics and enjoyed seeing the kids filled with joy when competing.

Salow is currently teaching in the high school and would never go back.

“The relationships you can build with the students are awesome,” Salow said.

She teaches in a unique way by teaching the importance of retrieval and brain dumps. This teaching style has impacted many students, especially junior Erin Hellmann. 

“She has really taught me how to learn in different styles,” Hellmann said. “She is the reason I’m going into the medical field because she made school and what she taught fun.”

Salow wants students to be successful and understand what she teaches. Junior Kailee Kaiser is grateful for that.

“When we are in class and talking about notes, she will explain it in many ways to make sure everyone understands,” Kaiser said.

Not only does Salow impact students’ education, but she also understands their personal lives.

“She is always there for you personally,” junior Carlee Smith said. 

In retirement, Salow hopes to travel with her family. She would love to see the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls and the Redwood Forest. Some of her time will also be devoted to romance novels, bike rides, scrapbooking, Cricut crafts, and, of course, her flowers. 

Salow stayed positive throughout her career, laughing every day as she believes even “breathing is fun.”