How to Stay Safe When Buying Your Groceries
May 25, 2020
Whether you are shopping in-store or online, it is important to stay safe at this time. What can you do to stay safe when going to the store?
Wear a mask. The CDC urges people to wear a reusable cloth face mask to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus. According to CNet Health and Awareness, although face masks may not be able to prevent you from getting the Coronavirus, they do stop you from breathing in larger particles from coughs or sneezes. I created my own reusable mask, instead of using a store-bought, one-time use mask.
Take a form of disinfectant with you. This can be any form of an alcohol-based product. Disinfect your hands and your cart before you shop as well as anything else you may touch. I prefer to use a stronger hand-sanitizer, instead of one with a fragrance that may not work as well.
Pay with a credit or debit card. Using these forms of payment will help avoid handling bills or change. also recommends using your own pen when writing checks or signing receipts. Whenever paying, I make sure that I don’t touch any surfaces, and use only a single finger to use the credit card machine.
Shop at a time that is less busy. This reduces the chance of contact with others and will also make it quicker for you to get your groceries. You can search the store online to find when it is busiest. I try to go earlier in the morning, which tends to be less busy.
Wash your hands frequently. Wash your hands as well as other surfaces. When at the store, avoid unnecessarily touching things. Besides disinfecting my hands, I am sure to wash them as soon as I get home.
Wash your produce. Although James E. Rogers, Ph.D., ConsumerReports’ director of food safety research and testing, states that “the risk of getting the virus from your food is considered low,” they recommend running your produce under hot water and scrubbing any hard skins to remove the pesticides from your fruits and veggies.
Keep a six-foot distance. Whenever you are shopping or in public, remember to stay safe and keep that six feet between yourself and others. I make sure to keep my distance from other shoppers as well as when I am in line.