Hawk Personality Profiles

Ava Hauser Profile
Hawk Personality Profile: Mr. Mullis
Kaylee Osterhaus

Lexi Moyle

What is your favorite part about this pandemic?      Getting to stay home with my dogs, sleep in, and play Fortnite with my friends. What is the worst part about this pandemic?      The worst part was staying home days after days not being allowed to see friends or go anywhere. What is your opinion on the masks?      I can handle the masks, but they are very hard to breathe...

Ava Neuhaus
Claire Ridenour
Addie Reetz

Alyssa Peterson

How have you stayed active during COVID?       I have taken many walks with my dog. I have also eaten very healthy over the last five or so months.  What’s the best thing about wearing a mask during school?       The best thing about wearing a mask is that I can hide my facial expressions when I have a disgusted look on it.  What’s the worst thing about wearing a mask dur...

Haley Hamm
Hawk Personality Profile: David Reddingus
Hawk Personality Profile: Spencer Mullen
Hawk Personality Profile: Emma Merkes
Hawk Personality Profile: Jenna Philipp
Hawk Personality Profile: Zach Wedewer
Hawk Personality Profile: Jacob Hosch
Hawk Personality Profile: Christian Nunley
Hawk Personality Profile: Thomas Duwe
Hawk Personality Profile: Callison Lang
Hawk Personality Profile: Morgan Beuter
Hawk Personality Profile: Carter Knutson
Hawk Personality Profile: Reginetta Tate
Hawk Personality Profile: Bella Maule
Hawk Personality Profile: Allie Scott
Hawk Personality Profile: Eric Salow
Hawk Personality Profile: Jolene Pitzemberger-Timp
Hawk Personality Profile: Jacob Butler
Hawk Personality Profile: Cathleen Heffernan
Hawk Personality Profile: Christine Boeckenstedt
Hawk Personality Profile: Jodie Bramel
Hawk Personality Profile: Anna Werner
Hawk Personality Profile: Hannah Axline
Humans of West Delaware: Shai Schuldt
Humans of West Delaware: Tiffany Moore
Humans of West Delaware: Grace Reiss
Humans of West Delaware: Devon Gardner
Humans Of West Delaware: Liz Davis
Humans Of West Delaware: Ruger Brown
Humans Of West Delaware: Maggie Saunders

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