Humans of West Delaware: Grace Reiss

“My family has been going to Colorado since I was young, and my dad hiked Longs Peak, a 14er (14,000 foot mountain). That made me really want to try it too! The joy of setting a goal and accomplishing it, spending time with my dad, which is priceless, and also striving to do things that are hard but never giving up and seeing the reward in the end are some of my favorite joys from this experience. I love to push myself and see what I can accomplish, which is why I love the challenge of climbing these 14er mountains. Some hikes can range from 10 to 12 hours, so you have to have a lot of endurance and keep pushing through. There are 50 of these 14er mountains…. I hope to complete all of them before I die! Who knows how long I’ll climb mountains. Hopefully the rest of my life!”

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